The Committee are very concerned about the posting of videos and/or photographs taken on FFFC water on social media platforms. We are fully aware that posting items on social media is now part of everyday life. Some of us use social media as individuals and we also avail ourselves of it as a club.
Nevertheless we are very concerned that posting videos or photographs on any social media platform can unintentionally draw unwanted attention to our waters either directly through what is said or indirectly through the video or photograph itself. We are aware of the posting of one video recently that inadvertantly showed sea trout present in a pool on the Wear that was, coincidentally, netted by poachers a day or so later. Thankfully this WAS NOT on FFFC water and nor was the video posted by a club member. But hopefully you can see why we are concerned. So please take great care when you share anything and remember the responsibilty of what happens after a video or photograph is posted rests firmly with the individual who took and posted the video in the first place.
One way to allow members to freely share videos and photographs etc. between each other might be to operate a Closed Facebook Group; access to which would be restricted to current club members only. You would need to be a Facebook user to access this facility. If you think this is a good idea (or a bad idea) please let the Club Secretary know. Thank you.