The North East Fly Casting Club but are holding an "Open Day" on Saturday the 7th August to which local anglers, their friends and families of all ages
and abilities are invited.
The event will take place at Dilston fishery between Corbridge and Hexham on the main river Tyne and is completely free to all comers, save for the price of a coffee and sausage sandwhich should they wish, from the barbecue (PLEASE NOTE BRING SOME CASH ON THE DAY FOR REFRESHMENTS).
All activities will be up and running for a 10 am start and continue throughout the day but the welcoming address from local angler Robson Green and the first demonstrations will not begin until 11 am so no-onewill miss out!
Anyone interested in attending can get further details from the North East Fly Casting Club Facebook page at
The beat is accessed from the A695 at Widehaugh. A white post with a red top marks the turning from the A695 onto the track which leads down to the Widehaugh railway crossing at the entry point to Dilston Fishings.