Fishing Reports October 2020

As we head into the final weeks of the season on our English rivers members are still being successful in their efforts to catch migratory fish despite the river levels fluctuating with some quite persistent rain. Our beats on the Till are producing quite a few sea trout, and salmon and grille, though around are proving elusive. The Coquet is yielding both salmon and sea trout and more fish are showing. The Tyne is producing salmon although not in great numbers but members are reporting more fish are now starting to show. The Wear, like our other rivers, has been fairly high but once it settled down members have had success in catching both salmon and sea trout. A few years back we had a seal on our waters which eventually headed back to sea, but another has surfaced on the river but thankfully not on our beats.

Thornton Steward reservoir is, as usual, providing both members and day ticket anglers, with good sport.

Just a show of thanks to all our club bailiffs For their efforts on our behalf on club waters. They are all linked into a what's app group with head bailiff Barry Gibson and this has been a great success in communications and also get prior knowledge of events and what members are taking guests with them in advance so there are no surprises in store.

The committee continue to meet on a regular basis through a Zoom meeting for our safety in these current conditions. A new letter with end of season river catch returns will be posted to members in the next few days and ask members to take the time and effort to complete. We are already planning for 2021 and our AGM. This will be a Zoom meeting and all members will have the opportunity to attend and details will be in the newsletter.