NORTH TYNE (Bellingham)

The Tyne is England's Premier Salmon River

The Club has access to approximately 4.1 miles of water on the River North Tyne. This extends from Low Carriteth (upstream of Bellingham, Northumberland) to the tail of the Eals beat (downstream of the village). With several  named pools (e.g. Charlton, Hesleyside, Ridings), this is the Club's longest and most productive stretch of water.  Felling members have landed salmon up to 28lb. (Club Record - 2004) and sea trout to 12lb. on these beats. There is also a significant brown trout population, with fish as large as 4 pounds taken each year. Secure and close parking is available on all beats and within short walking distance of the river.

The fishing on the North Tyne can be affected by releases from Keilder Reservoir. These range from Compensation Flow of 2.5 cumex to a massive 50 cumex which renders the river unfishable. (1 cumex = 1cubic metre/second ) For the latest news of releases from Kielder call 01434 - 240463.