Public Notice - Thornton Steward Reservoir
Suspension of Stocking at Thornton Steward Reservoir
Although regular stocking took place throughout the first half of this year, we have experienced continuing reduced catch returns despite reasonable rod effort.
The Committee has made the lessor aware of the situation.
As a result of the above, the Committee has decided against further stocking at Thornton Steward Reservoir until further notice.
Whilst we are obliged by our lease to continue to offer day tickets for sale to the general public, we are issuing this notice as a caution that the fishing may well not live up to the high standards of the past.
Members may, of course, continue to fish as usual.
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AGM 2024
Felling Fly Fishing Club held its 40th AGM at the Hebburn Sports Club on the evening of 3 Apr 2024.
There was a good attendance from club members despite the weather.
The committee would like to thank the attendees for taking the time to actively support the club and the committee in this important annual event, the only time where ordinary members can formally influence the future direction the club takes.
We would also like to offer our congratulations to the winners of the various awards for efforts above and beyond on the river bank.
Lastly but not least is a big thankyou to Hebburn Sports Club for once again allowing us to use their superb facility for the meeting and for providing an excellent buffet during the break in the official proceedings.
There was also a very generous donation of fly tying materials and fly lines from late member Brian Bourner. See the forum for details.
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Hebburn Sports Club
Thank you to Hebburn Sports Club for kindly providing a large pitch side signage space for Felling Fly Fishing Club.
Hebburn Sports Club gains coverage on TV when hosting prestigious football matches so lookout for the club sign.
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Fish Legal and Access to Environmental Information
Fish Legal has launched a campaign to stop the Government’s move to scrap the Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) and access to water company environmental information. An overview can be found here: but, in short, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 are on the list of 1,781 pieces of legislation currently being reviewed for repeal/retention as part of the Retained EU Law bill. It would be a disaster for the campaign for transparency led by Fish Legal if the EIRs were scrapped. We must not lose access to environmental information held by privatised water companies, a right that was secured by Fish Legal after a six year battle through the courts.
FFFC members can help add weight to this campaign by signing the Fish Legal on-line petition at . To force a debate in Parliament the petition needs 100,000 signatures, or to force a response from the Government 10,000 signatures. So, please help Fish Legal’s campaign to keep our right to access this important data by signing the petition now. Thank you.
If you also want to help Fish Legal raise funds to support the campaign you can do so at
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Following a discussion with the Angling Trust, anglers are requested to avoid physical contact with Crayfish on our waters whenever possible. Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation.
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